Colorado WIC Policies & Procedures
Colorado WIC
Section 1: Vendor and Farmer Management
- Retail Coordination - Issues and Complaints About Retailers.
- Retail Coordination - State Office and LA Roles & Resp.
- Retail Coordination - Vendor Authorization & Management.
- Retailer Authorization - A- Agreement and Handbook.
- Retailer Authorization - B- Agreement and Handbook
- Retailer Authorization - Minimum Stock.
- Retailer Coordination - Confidentiality.
- Retailer Coordination - Retailer Files.
- Retailer Coordination- LA Preparing Families.
- Retailer Coordination- Sanctions Schedule.
- Retailer Monitoring.
- Retailer Training- Pre-Auth and Orientation.
- Retailer Training- Routine Partnership Connections.
- Retailer Training-Annual and Interactive Training.
- State WIC Responsibilities - High Risk.
- State WIC Responsibilities - Peer Grouping.
- State WIC Responsibilities- LA Training and Communication.
Section 2: Nutrition Services
- BFPC Program Requirements.
- BFPC Program Allowable Costs.
- BFPC Program Cell Phone & Text Messaging.
- Breastfeeding Assistance, Aids, Contraindications.
- Breastfeeding Breast Pump Issuance.
- Breastfeeding Breast Pump Ordering & Maintenance.
- Breastfeeding Breast Pump Partnerships.
- Breastfeeding Definition, Promotion, Ed, Support Standards.
- Breastfeeding Human Milk Fortifier.
- Breastfeeding Scope of Practice.
- Education Documentation.
- Exit Counseling.
- Food Packages - Infants.
- Food Packages - Children.
- Food Packages_Exchange of Food and Formula Benefits.
- Food Packages_Food Benefit Issuance.
- Food Packages_Issuing eWIC Cards.
- Food Packages_Ordering Instructions for Products not on Retail Shelves.
- Food Packages - Prescription Required Formula and Nutritionals.
- Food Packages_Replacement of eWIC Card.
- Food Packages_Women.
- High and Low-risk Protocols.
- Mandatory Reporting.
- Nutrition Assessment.
- Nutrition Education.
- Screening (Substance Abuse, HIV/AIDS, Lead, and Immunizations) and Referrals.
Section 4: Organization and Management
- Central File Requirements.
- Data Use Policy: Use of Program Participant and Applicant Data.
- Data Use Policy: Process to Request Participant and Applicant Data.
- Homeless and Domestic Violence Shelters Approval Process.
- Local Agency Equipment and Inventory.
- Local Staffing.
- Local WIC Application. Becoming a WIC Local Agency.
- Measuring Equipment Maintenance and Calibration.
- Nutrition Education Plan.
- Ordering and Securing eWIC Cards.
- Participant Satisfaction Survey.
- PEAK Application Requirements.
- Prevention and Management of WIC Program Abuse at the Local Level.
- Product Distribution in WIC and Research Requests.
- Retention of WIC Records.
- Scanned Documents and Obtaining Signatures.
- Staff Training.
- WIC Branding and Communications.
- WIC Text and Voicemail Messaging.
- WIC Text Message Program.
Section 6: Food Funds
Section 7: Caseload Management
Section 8: Certification, Eligibility and Coordination
- Access to WIC Services.
- Access to WIC Services During Emergencies and Natural Disasters.
- Adjunctive Eligibility.
- Anthropometric and Blood Screening.
- Certification Periods.
- Certification Policy and Procedures.
- Determining Income Eligibility.
- Eligibility Requirements.
- Homeless Applicants.
- Households Size.
- Income Guidelines (Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025).
- Ineligible Applicants and Participant Terminations.
- Intrastate Dual Participation.
- Migrant Applicants.
- Missed Appointments.
- Nutrition Risk Factors and Priority Systems.
- Participant Notification R&R.
- Participant Violations.
- Processing Standards.
- Proof of Identity.
- Proof of Income.
- Proof of Residence.
- Provisional Certification Requirements.
- Proxies.
- Transfers, VOC, and WIC Overseas Program.
- Voter Registration.
- WIC Appointment Protocols.
- WIC Endorser.
Section 9: Food Delivery
Section 10: Monitoring and Audits
Section 11: Civil Rights
- Administrative Review Policy and Procedures for Local Agency Appeals.
- Administrative Review Policy and Procedures for Retailer Appeals.
- Civil Rights Complaints Processing.
- Civil Rights Monitoring and Compliance Reviews.
- Civil Rights Training.
- Customer Service Complaint Processing.
- Data Collection and Reporting.
- Fair Hearing Policy and Procedures for Applicant and Participant Appeals.
- Limited English Proficiency.
- Non-Discrimination Statement.
- Program Accessibility for Applicants and Participants with Disabilities.
- Public Notification.
- Review of Procedures to Protect Against Disability and Sex Discrimination.