Breastfeeding Help
We know the importance of support. Breastfeeding may be natural but may not always be easy. You can find a variety of support in many different places, both locally and nationally. Ask your local WIC clinic for additional breastfeeding resources in your community.
Support When it Counts
- Reach out to your local WIC clinic for breastfeeding support. WIC clinics have staff trained in breastfeeding support.
- Consider contacting the National Women’s Health and Breastfeeding Helpline. Call anytime between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, at 1-800-994-9662 to talk with a health information specialist in English or Spanish.
- Visit the Colorado Breastfeeding Essentials website for lots of useful information for families.
- The National WIC Breastfeeding Resources website has many helpful tips and videos.
- The Office on Women’s Health website includes lots of useful information and resources, including how to find support.
- Visit the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition website for local breastfeeding information, including lactation friendly workplaces, child care programs and medical office information.
- For resources regarding mental health and postpartum depression, visit CDPHE’s Pregnancy-Related Depression website.
- If you have questions about medications or supplements during pregnancy, reach out to the Infant Risk Center on their website or talk to an expert by phone at 1-806-352-2519, Monday through Friday, 7 am to 4 pm.
- For information on cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, visit CDPHE’s Cannabis You and Your Baby website.
Support for Partners and Family
As a partner, family member, or friend, you play an important role. Learn more about breastfeeding, helpful ways to bond with the baby, and how to be supportive.
- Talk to your family about breastfeeding: Helpful tips for starting the conversation.
- Breastfeeding Information for Dads: National WIC info to help partners and dads learn more about breastfeeding and how to be supportive.
- Breastfeeding Information for Grandparents: National WIC info to help grandparents learn more about breastfeeding and how to be supportive.
- The Role of the Partner in Breastfeeding: How the Support of Dads, Co-Moms, and Other People Makes a Difference - Info from La Leche League International.
Breastfeeding in the Workplace
Returning to work or school after having a baby is often a difficult time for any parent. Talk with your employer or school and share your goals and needs. The following resources and links provide some useful tips.
Office on Women’s Health: workplace solutions or call 1-800-994-9662.
State and federal laws require employers to provide accommodations for breastfeeding employees to express their milk. In Colorado, all employers (any business with one or more employees) must:
- Provide reasonable unpaid or paid break and/or meal time, each workday for the employee to express human milk for their child(ren) up to 2 years after birth.
- Provide a private location in close proximity to the work area (must not be a toilet stall) for the employee to express milk; and
- Not discriminate against the employee for expressing milk in the workplace.
The following videos can be shared with employers to help them to understand Colorado state laws, how to accommodate your needs, and how to be supportive of your decision to breastfeed.
Workplace Short Videos for Employers and Mothers: Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3.
Additional resources and toolkits can be accessed on the CDPHE Breastfeeding Essentials website. You can find information and toolkits on Lactation-Friendly workplaces, Colorado laws, and helpful tips for starting back to work or school.
Visit the Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition’s website for a list of employers officially recognized as Lactation-Friendly Workplaces and helpful resources you can use to help your employer accommodate your lactation needs.
Breastfeeding Laws
Colorado’s state laws are stronger than federal laws and offer more protections for you as a breastfeeding person. However, many employers and individuals may only know about federal laws.
Colorado has 4 laws currently that offer breastfeeding families support:
- Breastfeeding in Public - You May breastfeed any place you have the right to be.
- Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers Act - All employers must provide a private space (not a toilet stall) in close proximity to the work area and access to such space each workday (paid or unpaid break/meal time) for up to 2 years after the child(ren)’s birth.
- Postponement of Jury Service for a Person Who is Breastfeeding a Child Act - Breastfeeding persons may be eligible for up to two 12-month postponements of jury service.
- Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act - all employers must provide accommodations to employees’ work schedules and duties for health conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth recovery, or related conditions if requested by the employee.
Download the Colorado Breastfeeding Laws Overview (available in English and Spanish).
Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care
The person you choose to watch your baby when you are away should be supportive of your feeding choice. Be sure to share the resources with your child care provider, family, and friends.
Visit CDPHE’s Breastfeeding Essentials website for tips on starting your breastfed baby in child care, finding a Lactation-Friendly Child Care Program, Lactation Friendly Child Care toolkits and trainings, as well as milk storage and pumping tips.
World Breastfeeding Week
World Breastfeeding Week (WBW), celebrated August 1 through 7 every year, and National Breastfeeding Month (NBM), celebrated all of August, are a time dedicated to advancing breastfeeding promotion, projection and support. The goal is to increase breastfeeding support so that all families have the opportunity to breastfeed, despite disparities in access to resources and support.
- World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA) develops annual themes, logos and resources for World Breastfeeding Week.
- The United States Breastfeeding Committee National Breastfeeding Month website provides helpful resources and information to assist communities in celebrating each August.
- For Colorado specific resources, visit the WBW/NBM Resources folder to find handouts/posters, an action packet full of ideas, social media sample posts, logos, etc., plus local WIC agency event details.