Thinking About Breastfeeding?

Topics: Breastfeeding

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Congratulations! With a new baby on the way, you have a lot to think about. If you are unsure if you want to breastfeed, consider this - breast milk gives babies powerful health benefits that formula can’t match. The longer a baby breastfeeds, the greater the health benefits!

All major medical organizations recommend breastfeeding as the best way to feed your baby. Only breastfeeding (no formula, food or other liquids) for the first six months and continuing to breastfeed for at least a year and beyond is recommended.

Breastfeeding improves the health of you and your baby by reducing the risks of:

  • Breast and ovarian cancers, heart disease, and diabetes for you


  • Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID/SIDS), respiratory tract and ear infections, diarrhea and other stomach problems, obesity, childhood cancers, asthma, eczema, allergies, and some childhood cancers for your baby.

Trust Your Body

Your body is made to feed your baby. Your breasts start to change during pregnancy as they prepare to make milk to feed your baby after it is born.  

Your milk changes as your baby grows. The amount of milk your body makes and what is in your milk will also change depending on what your baby needs, how much your baby eats and as your baby’s tiny stomach grows. 

You do not need a perfect or special diet to breastfeed. Your body will make the perfect food for your baby no matter what you eat. It is good to continue taking your prenatal vitamins. 

Make a Plan

Breastfeeding is natural but usually takes some work. 

  • Plan to focus on breastfeeding in the early days and weeks after delivery. 
  • At the hospital, limit the number of visitors and keep your baby in your room - this helps you to get to know your baby and practice breastfeeding.
  • Set up a quiet space to feed your baby and express breast milk, if needed.
  • If you are returning to work or school, talk to them about your plans. Find a space to express milk during your work/school day. 

Colorado law requires all employers to provide a private space (not a restroom) and time to express milk during a workday until your baby is 2 years old. 

WIC is here to help!

WIC’s goal is to help keep you and your family healthy - including helping you to start and continue breastfeeding as long as you choose. WIC provides FREE:

  • Information, classes and support groups - ask questions and get answers to important baby feeding questions. 
  • Breastfeeding peer counselors - ask WIC staff about how to sign up.
  • Lactation experts - WIC staff are trained to provide breastfeeding support and many clinics have certified lactation professionals. 
  • Breast pumps and supplies - including loaned hospital-grade electric, single-user electric and manual pumps, as well as kits, aids, and helpful pumping support tips.
    • Medicaid participants receive breast pumps through WIC in Colorado.
  • Extra food - to help you stay strong while nourishing your baby. 

Breastfeeding Support

Having a good support system is important to your breastfeeding success.

  • Talk with family and friends about your breastfeeding goals. 
  • Learn about the benefits of breastfeeding and take a breastfeeding class.
  • Choose a healthcare provider and hospital that supports breastfeeding. Baby-Friendlyhospitals are certified to support you with breastfeeding.

Reach out to your local WIC clinic for breastfeeding information and support.