Hand Expression
Hand expression uses your hands to remove milk from your breasts. Hand expression can help you to feel more comfortable breastfeeding, can help your milk supply, and may be your preferred way to express milk.
Click here to download the Hand Expression Handout.
View video instructions on how to hand express.
Hand expression is helpful when:
- You are collecting colostrum - expressing by hand means you will not lose any in pump parts.
- You need to increase your milk supply.
- You do not have an electric breast pump or source of electricity available.
- You are away from your baby and don’t have a pump.
- You need a way to relieve engorgement - expressing a small amount of your milk can help soften the breasts, making it easier for your baby to latch on correctly.
- You need a free option that is always available.
Before you get started
- Wash your hands well with soap and warm water (or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol).
- Get a clean container with a wide opening to collect your milk.
- Relax and find a comfortable position, leaning slightly forward to allow gravity to help.
- Gently massage all around your breast in small circular motions and gently roll your nipple between your fingers. This will help your milk to release.
Steps - Press, Compress, Relax, Repeat
1. Using one hand, form a letter ‘C’ shape on your breast - place your thumb at the top of your nipple, above the areola (darker portion around your nipple) and place your first finger at the bottom of the areola. With your other hand, hold your container directly under your nipple.
2. Press your fingers and thumb gently back towards your chest/back.
3. Compress your fingers and thumb together gently between and catch your milk in the container.
4. Relax your hand, but do not lift it off from your breast.
5. Repeat the process of press, compress, relax, repeat in a rhythmic pattern. Move your hand to a different place around your breast after a few compressions or whenever milk flow stops. Repeat on the other breast.
Hand expression gets easier with practice - find what works best for you.
Additional tips:
- Use a warm towel, washcloth, or heat on your breast before expressing to help your milk to start to flow. Try expressing in the shower.
- Try to relax. Stress can prevent your milk from releasing. Think about your baby or look at pictures of your baby as you hand express.
- Do not squeeze or pull hard on your breast - it should not hurt.
- Be sure your fingers are behind your nipple - you should not be pulling or squeezing on your nipple.
- It may take a few minutes of press, compress, relax before you see any milk. Once you get a spray of milk, then you know it's working.
- Keep in mind - for a breast full of milk, hand expression may take 20-30 minutes to completely remove milk.
- Frequent, short expression sessions are better than longer, infrequent sessions.
- Try hand expression for a short time after a feeding or pumping session - this can help to increase your milk supply over time.
- Don’t be discouraged if hand expression is challenging at first. It takes practice! Find what works best for you.
Want more help?
Connect with your local WIC clinic for more information and support.